About Us

Our Philosophy
MooseFS is a breakthrough concept in the Big Data storage industry. It allows us to combine data storage and data processing in a single unit using commodity hardware thereby providing an extremely high ROI. Through this innovative approach, we provide professional services and expert advisory for storage solutions as well as implementation and support for all your operations.
MooseFS which was introduced around 17 years ago as a spin-off of Gemius (a leading European company which measures internet in over 20 countries), has went on to become one of the most sought after Data storage software for companies worldwide. It is still being used to store huge amounts of data for Gemius core operations, where over 300 000 events are gathered and processed per second, for 24 hours and 7 days a week. Therefore, any solution we present to our customers has been tested in real-life work environment involving Big Data Analytics.
We have mastered it to perfection by combining considerable savings with enormous reliability and exceptional performance. Our focus is on delivering optimal solutions – which are widely recognized by organizations globally. As we wanted to share our great invention, we decided to release an open-source version – available for FREE to everyone. We also offer a Professional version and support for enterprises that need cutting-edge solutions at a reasonable price. Our customers no longer have to choose between investing money and a reliable storage space for their business.
Headquartered in Europe
Aleksandra Wejnerta 26A
02-619 Warsaw, Poland
phone: +48 22 110 00 63
e-mail: contact@moosefs.com
Mission Critical
The MooseFS Software-Defined-Storage is designed for mission-critical applications with high availability and high-performance requirements.
High Availability
No Single Point of Failure a.k.a SPOF-less configuration. Metadata of the file system is kept in two or more copies on physical redundant servers. User data is redundantly spread across the storage servers in the system.
High Performance
Designed to support high performance I/O operations. User data can be read/written simultaneously on many storage nodes, thereby avoiding single central server or single network connection bottlenecks.
Big Data
The MooseFS storage software is designed for Big Data support. MooseFS enables a virtually limitless storage space to support the most demanding distributed workloads.
Competitive TCO
MooseFS features like: open-source, ease of use, scalability, vendor support etc. make TCO very low as compared to other storage solutions.
Hardware Independence
All-Flash and Hybrid storage setup supported. Different manufacturers’ disks and servers can be mixed in a single storage system. Compatible with both old and new technology.
Commodity Hardware Components
The MooseFS storage can be built using commodity x86-64 components, available from almost all of the hardware manufacturers. Also works perfectly well with all major disks and disk interface types: SATA/SAS, SSD/HDD.
Manufacturer Support
Get direct support from the software manufacturer. We know each line of the source code; we can solve all the problems.
Lifetime Usability
Open-source software with commodity components and operating systems, make MooseFS a safe choice, usable for an entire lifetime.
Longer Hardware Life
Tiering and rolling upgrade features, make hardware more durable. Older, smaller and slower servers and/or disks may be used in less intensive tiers.
Lifetime License
With just one-time license fee, get a lifetime of benefits of MooseFS!
Storage can be extended up to 16 exabytes (~16000 petabytes), which allows us to store more than 2 billion files.
Minimal Investment
The pay-as-you-grow licensing model or even free software license allows for low cost initial investment. With scalability and rolling upgrade features, one can buy just as little hardware as needed!
Support & license discounts increase as the storage size grows.
Low-cost Data Safety
MooseFS enables users to save a lot of HDD space maintaining the same data redundancy level. In most common scenarios you will save at least 55% of HDD space. Available from MooseFS 4.0 Pro.
Technical Features
All the system components are redundant and in case of a failure, there is an automatic failover mechanism that is transparent to the user.
Computation on Nodes
Support for scheduling computation on data nodes for better overall system TCO by utilizing idle CPU and memory resources. There is no need to buy extra hardware; the same server can be used for storing data as well as for running applications.
Atomic Snapshots
Instantaneous and uninterrupted provisioning of file system at any particular point in time. This feature is ideal for online backup solutions.
Redundancy with Erasure Coding
Ensures data redundancy by using error correction code algorithms with up to 9 parity sums. It saves more RAW space compared to an ordinary data duplication approach.
Tiered Storage
The assignment of different categories of data to various types of storage media to reduce total storage cost. Hot data can be stored on fast SSD disks and infrequently used data can be moved to cheaper, slower mechanical hard disk drives.
Rolling Upgrades
Ability to perform one-node-at-a-time upgrades, hardware replacements and additions, without disruption of service. This feature allows you to maintain hardware platform up-to-date with no downtime.
POSIX Compliance
Allows the user to perform data operations similarly as with the existing file storage systems without the need of making any additional changes. This feature helps in smooth transition from previously used storage systems.
Fast Disk Recovery
In case of hard disk or hardware failure, the system instantly initiates parallel data replication from redundant copies to other available storage resources within the system. This process is much faster than traditional disk rebuild approach. It may take as little as 15 minutes for 1 TB disk recovery.
Global Trash
A virtual, global space for deleted objects, configurable for each file and directory. With the help of this advantageous feature, accidentally deleted data can be easily recovered.
Quota Limits
The system administrator has the flexibility to set limits to restrict the data storage capacity per directory. This feature ensures a stable system and helps in management and storage of crucial data.
Native Clients
Enhanced performance achieved through a dedicated client (mount) components specially designed for Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS systems.
Access Control
Access to files and directories is based on a standard Unix access control model enhanced with standard Access Control Lists.
Management Interfaces
Provides a rich set of administrative tools such as command line based and web-based interfaces, which helps the system administrator to monitor and analyze the system performance.
Hardware Independence
Exceptional performance on almost every hardware platform that runs a POSIX compliant Operating System like Linux, Mac OSX or FreeBSD.
Performs all I/O operations in parallel threads of execution to deliver high performance read/write operations.
1 Gbps / 10 Gbps standard Ethernet-based network can be used for all the communications with the support of LACP configurations.