Tuxera partners with MooseFS

Tuxera partners with MooseFS to provide the next-generation full-stack enterprise storage software solution. The companies are combining their storage software offering to answer the growing demands of the enterprise market.
London, United Kingdom – June 11, 2018 – Tuxera the world leading storage software and networking technology company, announced its partnership with MooseFS, the cutting-edge software-defined storage solution provider. According to Tuxera, the co-operation will allow the companies to combine their technologies of Tuxera SMB implementation, Tuxera Secure Cloud Storage Gateway and MooseFS Pro distributed file system – offering a joint full stack solution for enterprise storage applications.
“We are very excited to start working together with one of the most recognized scale-out software-defined storage developers in the world. MooseFS has been over ten years in production and the product is known for its robustness, high performance, and ease of use. We highly value MooseFS’s open source background, which ensures a large, growing user base and the highest code quality. Together with Tuxera’s software, enterprise-grade support, services, and sales, we are ready to serve the most demanding enterprise storage needs worldwide,” says Mikko Välimäki, CEO of Tuxera.
“MooseFS enables users to combine their data storage into a united distributed environment using commodity hardware. Since its introduction in 2005, MooseFS has grown to become one of the most reliable distributed file systems with hundreds of active deployments, some of them with tens of petabytes of data in daily use. Therefore, any solution built on top of our technology has been proven in enterprise production environments, with some of the most demanding use cases. We look forward to joint projects between Tuxera and MooseFS” says Jakub Ratajczak, Head of Business Development of MooseFS.
Market overview
According to the Gartner report, “by 2021, more than 80% of enterprise data will be stored in scale-out storage systems in enterprise and cloud data centers, up from 30% today”. This leads to a continuous growth for storage systems based on distributed file systems and object storage in both number and capacity. Gartner also mentions, that the data growth is exceeding 50% year over year, which creates a strong demand for infrastructure and operations (I&O) leaders to look for new products that could lower acquisition and operational costs.
Enterprise Expertise
Over the years, both parties have developed and licensed its software products to key global storage customers. Projects include cloud storage gateway solutions, petabyte-scale storages, enterprise-grade NTFS backup technology, as well as proprietary Tuxera SMB implementation. The companies are serving software-defined storage buyers globally and directly engage with clients of all sizes. Both Tuxera and MooseFS, continue to invest in the growing enterprise storage market and are working with leading companies in the field to offer state-of-the-art enterprise-grade storage solutions.
About Tuxera
Tuxera is the leading provider of storage and networking technologies. From the latest flagship smartphones to cars, cameras, routers, and drones – Tuxera’s software makes file transfers fast and content easily accessible. The company is an active member of multiple standard organizations, including JEDEC, AGL, SD Association, UFS Association, and many others. Founded in 2008, Tuxera’s headquarters are located in Finland, with regional offices in China, India, Germany, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, and the US.
About MooseFS
MooseFS and MooseFS Pro started in 2005 as the cutting-edge software-defined storage products developed for the most demanding applications. Data safety is a priority. Performance is ensured thanks to unique software architecture. It is a breakthrough concept in the Big Data storage industry. MooseFS development and distribution is located in Poland with customers all over the world.
For more information, please contact:
PR & Communications manager, Tuxera
Stan Dmitriev
Head of Business Development, MooseFS
Jakub Ratajczak