MooseFS and High Performance Computing – ISC 2017 Exhibition

June 19th, 2017 | Piotr Konopelko post_thumbnail

We are excited to tell you all that we participated in the ISC exhibition at Frankfurt am Main.

During the event, we got the opportunity to introduce our customers with two of the latest MooseFS features: MooseFS 4.0 version and MS Windows client.

Our newest product is being tested by a group of our current customers. If you too would like to try these tests, then please let us know.

Why should you be interested in MooseFS 4.0? Well, that is because it has an entirely different approach to data redundancy. Here, we have implemented erasure coding to the software with great results.

You will be able to use up to 50% less RAW data space while maintaining the same redundancy level for your data. Also, it has an improved user interface where you can manage your settings mostly at the web browser level.

MS Windows client is finally complete. It is already attached to the 4.0 version and can be implemented to your current 3.0.92 installation. It was highly requested by many of our clients and happens to be also tested by those who replied to our call for testers. If you would like to try it out, please let us know.

Please stay tuned in for any news on High-Performance MooseFS applications including InfiniBand and 100 Gbps Ethernet networks!