Our Blog

MooseFS Pro at Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018

March 1st, 2018 | Piotr Konopelko


We are excited to tell you all, that we are participating in the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2018 conference which will be held on March 12-14, 2018 in Warsaw, Poland!

If you happen to be attending the conference, please feel free to stop by, say hello and discuss data storage solutions offered by MooseFS Pro.

See you there!

MooseFS 3.0.100 Stable Release

January 25th, 2018 | MooseFS Team

We are proud to announce, that MooseFS 3.0.100 has been released as stable today! This version includes support of Debian 9 (Stretch) and Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, as well as many other crucial fixes.

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MooseFS User wins at ERL Emergency 2017 event!

September 28th, 2017 | Jakub Ratajczak


We are proud to make this announcement that our friends from the “Institute of Mathematical Machines and Mandala Robotics” secured the first and second positions in the “Autonomous Robots International Competition: ERL Emergency 2017” held recently at Piombino, Italy. Their robot uses MooseFS driven storage for 3D Scanning, 3D Mapping, and 3D Modelling.

The RoboRobot 150x150 - MooseFS User wins at ERL Emergency 2017 event!t needed to perform multiple high-level functions simultaneously like Modelling & Mapping its processor, managing its control station, performing AI-driven automatic object recognition to mention among a few, and this required robust parallel access to data which was supported by MooseFS.

Additionally, MooseFS allowed a significant amount of data to be processed in real-time. This feature facilitated Robot’s multiple 3D scans along with 360° video to cover the entire investigating area.

This is an excellent example to showcase one of the many benefits that MooseFS provides to its customers!


MooseFS 3.0.97 Stable Release

August 1st, 2017 | Piotr Konopelko

We are proud to announce, that MooseFS 3.0.97 has been released as stable today! This version fixes trash/sustained size desynchronization after file length is changed due to chunk creation and also handles invalid arguments in the POSIX lock command.

Please find the most recent changes on MooseFS 3 on GitHub.

If you like MooseFS, please provide your support by starring it on GitHub. You can also give your valuable suggestions by opening an issue on GitHub.

MooseFS and High Performance Computing – ISC 2017 Exhibition

June 19th, 2017 | Piotr Konopelko


We are excited to tell you all that we participated in the ISC exhibition at Frankfurt am Main.

During the event, we got the opportunity to introduce our customers with two of the latest MooseFS features: MooseFS 4.0 version and MS Windows client.

Our newest product is being tested by a group of our current customers. If you too would like to try these tests, then please let us know.

Why should you be interested in MooseFS 4.0? Well, that is because it has an entirely different approach to data redundancy. Here, we have implemented erasure coding to the software with great results.

You will be able to use up to 50% less RAW data space while maintaining the same redundancy level for your data. Also, it has an improved user interface where you can manage your settings mostly at the web browser level.

MS Windows client is finally complete. It is already attached to the 4.0 version and can be implemented to your current 3.0.92 installation. It was highly requested by many of our clients and happens to be also tested by those who replied to our call for testers. If you would like to try it out, please let us know.

Please stay tuned in for any news on High-Performance MooseFS applications including InfiniBand and 100 Gbps Ethernet networks!


MooseFS Team participates in Cloud Expo!

June 1st, 2017 | Piotr Konopelko


We are pleased to inform that MooseFS team participated in – Cloud Expo at New York!

Our clients got the opportunity to meet our team at Cloud Expo which took place on June 6-8 at Javits Center. We provided our customers with a free gold pass for the event.

During the event, we got the opportunity to introduce our customers with two of the latest MooseFS features: MooseFS 4.0 version and MS Windows client.

Our newest product is being tested by a group of our current customers. If you too would like to try these tests, then please let us know.

Why should you be interested in MooseFS 4.0? Well, that is because it has an entirely different approach to data redundancy. Here, we have implemented erasure coding to the software with great results.

You will be able to use up to 50% less RAW data space while maintaining the same redundancy level for your data. Also, it has an improved user interface where you can manage your settings mostly at the web browser level.

MS Windows client is finally complete. It is already attached to the 4.0 version and can be implemented to your current 3.0.92 installation. It was highly requested by many of our clients and happens to be also tested by those who replied to our call for testers. If you would like to try it out, please let us know.

Please stay in touch to know the latest developments taking place in the MooseFS arena.

MooseFS at SuperComputing Conference 2016 – SC16

November 14th, 2016 | Piotr Konopelko


MooseFS team had put up their exhibit at the SuperComputing Conference 2016 held in Salt Lake City, United States. This event attracted everyone worldwide from the High-Performance Computing (HPC) and networking industry.

The event provided us with extensive and targeted opportunities for exposure and in-depth interaction with our core customer audiences.

With the help of a powerful live network infrastructure called SCinet, we got the opportunity to showcase MooseFS features and applications to our prospective clients.

We also discussed the benefits of using MooseFS with the conference attendees at the Birds-of-a-Feather (BOF) sessions which provided an excellent platform for in-depth discussion.

We plan to attend more such events in the future and would be glad to meet you on such great Technical Conferences.

Stay tuned for more such information!

MooseFS GitHub Project Released!

February 8th, 2016 | Piotr Konopelko


We are extremely pleased to announce, that MooseFS has been released on GitHub.

At present, the repository contains two branches

  • Master (for the currently developed version, that as of now happens to be MooseFS 3.0.x)
  • 2.0.x (containing MooseFS 2.0.x).

If you want to contribute to MooseFS, we encourage you to do so by using GitHub’s bug tracker.

In case you encounter any issues with MooseFS, please feel free to raise a ticket on GitHub, and we will be happy to help you!

If you like MooseFS and want to support it, then please star the project or watch it on GitHub.
